Asia Source 2 - 1st Anniversary

Exactly 1 year ago, the second Asia Source was held and I was very lucky to be part of it. After a year has passed, what can be remembered?

The first thing came into my mind is the memories of uncountable excitements and cheerful togetherness. The excitements of meeting many cultures at once were overwhelming, similar to when someone throws you 126 golf balls at once and you have to catch them all.

And talking about the cheerful togetherness, the good thing about it is it stays intact up to now. What could be nicer than having 108 friends are ready to be your tour guide when you visit any of the 23 countries? What could be more thrilling than having personal birthday greetings from 5 continents?

Oh, right, should I mention also that the AS2nauts (that's how we call ourself) people are technically resourceful and ready to help you anytime?

Now, the question is, what will happen next? Just a 2nd year anniversary? Or preparing the rumoured Asia Source 3 in Manila? :-)

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